Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla a Serbian-American engineer and physicist was born on July 10th 1856. Tesla developed interest in science because of his mother. His mother Djuka Mandic was very intelligent and she would build small home appliances in her spare time, this made Tesla develop keen interest in science. So technically Tesla’s mom is the reason behind him being a great scientist. Tesla was pushed to take up priest hood by his father Milutin Tesla who was a priest and writer. But Tesla completely denied his father’s wish as his interest was in science. Tesla’s studies started from 1873 where he initially joined Realsuchle, Karlstadt then he took up polytechnic in Institute in Graz. Nikola developed keen interest towards electrical engineering. Though he intended to study physics and mathematics initially, he then realised that his interest lied in learning more about electricity. Tesla moved to United States and joined Thomas Edison in 1884. He then moved out to start his own laboratory to develop electrical devices. Tesla made remarkable contribution for modern electricity system. He invented the AC electrical systems. All his further works were done in his own company named ‘Tesla Electric Company’. He was very successful and by then had many patents for inventions based on AC. Tesla’s company became a competitor for Edison’s company. Knowing about Tesla’s work an American engineer named George Westinghouse approached Tesla for a solution to long distance power supply.In 1893 Westinghouse Corporation was chosen to supply electricity for World’s Colombian Exposition in Chicago. That is when Tesla got an opportunity to demonstrate his AC systems to the world. After two years Tesla implemented the first AC hydroelectric power plant at Niagara Falls, Unites States. Tesla got lot of positive response and publicity for his work. Since then AC power systems was declared as worldwide standard. When he was working in a telephone exchange company in Budapest and that is when Tesla first got the idea of induction motor. While his stay in New York he worked on wireless lightning, electricity and many other power experiments. In 1893 Nikola Tesla published his statements and declarations on possibilities of having wireless communication in devices.Tesla could not enjoy his success for a longer period as he had many unfortunate situations taking place in his life. In 1895 Tesla’s lab in New York was totally burned, damaging all their notes and equipment’s which was a huge loss for his carrier.On January 7th 1943 Tesla died at the age of 86. Even in his last days he proposed the powerful “Death Ray”. Soviet Union was very interested in Death ray. It was not possible to implement as Nikola Tesla died by then. And Death ray also perished along with him.  We truly owe a lot to the genius mind Nikola Tesla for giving such magnificent lightening system to the world.
Nikola Tesla

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